Jupiter & Mars
PlayStation®VR Ι Genre: Swim into the blue
Renowned as messengers of Neptune, and considered sacred from Venus and Apollo; dolphins are the greatest inhabitants of the oceans. In hundreds of tales, these creatures are described as rescuers of humans or helpers of fishers; through the centuries the cetaceans have gained respect, admiration, and affection. Considered also as magical animals thanks to their unique skill to predict sea’s conditions and to guide troubled ships into safe zones. Even in modern global mythology; dolphins are always present in a big number of opuses. From Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy to Lobo’s Space Dolphins passing through Flipper and Ecco; they play a very important role in human culture. Now a new gem has been added to their heraldry with Jupiter & Mars for PSVR!
Due to the rising oceans; our planet became a post-mankind planet in which only the machines are the mute witnesses of human presence. Ruled by the waters; cities, towns, and villages are sunken, and only marine creatures can live in this brand new world.
Among them there are the Elders; an ancient race of whales which want to cancel all the signs of humankind activities stopping the all the machines still in operation which are menacing the sea life. To do this, they’ve called two special heroes…the legendary bottlenose dolphins called Jupiter and Mars.
With 49 million years of knowledge, complex brains, and their unique radar system (more powerful than any known to man); this couple of mammals are calling you to ask for help to accomplish their mission that will lead you to the edge of the world. Providing a wonderful underwater adventure; Jupiter & Mars for PSVR let you delve literary into deep abysses illuminated by hyper-pop neon lights to repopulate the waters.
Devastatingly immersive and addictive; this title exploits the PSVR characteristics as never before. Turn the tide of life as you know it using the echolocation skill that helps this dynamic duo to solve puzzles, find precious treasures, meet a lot of other creatures, and above all shut down all the relics of the previous civilization. You’re the savior of the future; play with Jupiter & Mars for PSVR means play with an all-aquatic adventure that provides the most breathtaking gaming experience of a lifetime. From tropical islands to underwater wastelands; travel far and wide across the Earth in which you explore a whole planet lovely filled with astonishing visuals, tons of choices to take, an incredible cast of unique characters, and hundreds of different quests to be done! The abysses are full of well-hidden secrets, discover all of them using the sonar abilities in such a unique way…yes, even if you swim in murky waters.
Thousands of different species count on you! Face the biggest challenge of your life with Jupiter & Mars for PSVR; the machines must be stopped for survival, use your own wits to get out of danger. Guided by the spirit of the seas, act fast because there’s not much time. Life depends on you; so brandish your nose and cover every corner of the planet in order to put an end to the human legacy once for all.
You can make it! Get set for an incredible digital-only world where imagination, courage, and echolocation is all a hero needs!
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* This article was originally published here