Granblue Fantasy Versus: Vira and Avatar Belial DLC Now Available

Granblue Fantasy Versus PlayStation 4 – US, EU, ASIA & JAPAN Cygames and Arc System Works bring Vira and Avatar Belial to Granblue Fantasy Versus as downloadable content characters. So, let’s welcome them as these DLC characters are now available. Check out the character overviews below via Granblue Fantasy Twitter. Vira Vira commands an impressive mid-range game, using her powerful normal and Luminiera-charged attacks. Her skills are enhanced after using her special or skybound art to transform. She has a special victory cutscene against Katalina! Avatar Belial Avatar Belial consumes his own HP to unleash powerful skills. Time it right, and he’ll take his opponents to the very limits of debauchery. On the other hand, his defenses are lacking, making him a fest-or-famine style pick. Note: Colors/weapon skins are the same as Belial. Watch the trailer below.  ARVE Error: src mismatch url: src in: src gen: comparison url: src in: src gen: ARVE Error: src mismatch url: src in: src gen: comparison url: src in: src gen: Thanks, Gematsu!  --- Here below is the game’s overview from XSEED Games. In a world where adventurers roam the skies on airships, and the floating islands of the Skydoms lead their way, the Grandcypher—an airship of massive proportions—sets out on a magnificent journey, traveling the islands, and picking up a veritable army of sellswords, knights, and mages along the way… However, these heroes of the sky will soon embark on a brand-new adventure, where battle and glory await! Read more about the game > HERE